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Intermediate First Aid - Re-Certification (Standard)

9 Hours
3 Years Valid

A comprehensive 9-hour course offering first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills that is typically completed in one day for the re-certification of the Intermediate First Aid course. This course meets legislation requirements for provincial/territorial worker safety and includes the latest guidelines.

Who Should Attend:
People who need to re-certify their Intermediate First Aid certification


Course Outline

Legal Requirements and Responsibilities in the Workplace for Albertans
The Need for and Importance of CPR
The Sign of Life™ (PrimaryAssessment)
CPR for Adult, Child and Infant (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)
AED Training
Partial and Complete Airway Obstructions for Adult, Child and Infant
Special Considerations when doing CPR
Basic Structure and Function of the Respiratory System
Basic Structure and Function of the Circulatory System
Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease
Signs and Symptoms and First Aid for Angina / Heart Attack and TIA / Stroke
Severe External Bleeding, Amputations and Care for Amputated Tissue
Internal Bleeding / Shock
Unconsciousness/ Fainting
Recovery Position
Closed and Open Wounds
Scalp, Ear, Eye, Mouth and Nose Injuries
Thermal Injuries (Burns)
Chemical and Electrical Injuries (Burns)
Drowning, Hyperventilation, Asthma, Anaphylaxis, Inhalation, and Chest Injuries
Principles of the Secondary Assessment
Head / Spine and Pelvic Injuries
Poisons, bites, stings
Cold Emergencies
Heat Emergencies
Diabetic Emergencies
Emergency Child Birth
Bone and Joint Injuries
First Aid Kits
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